Connecting With the Community Through Clubs


Zoe Toperosky (she/her), Staff Writer


On October 6 and 7, many students gathered around tables filled with colorful posters, interesting people, and candy to sign up for clubs. While the clubs ranged from Mock Trial to Bird Watching, they all had the same goal: To provide a safe space for students of similar interests to come together. 

Clubs like SAFER [Students Active for Ending Rape] help bring awareness to our community about a topic that is all to often over looked. Their goal is to create a safe environment for everyone and to educate the community. Ashling Gregory is a senior at IBW and one of the leaders of the club. “It’s a safe space for survivors, for allies, to learn more, to educate yourself,” Gregory says. This club focuses on creating a safe, supportive environment for everyone.

(From Left) Ashling Gregory, Julia Boboc, and Olivia Prime promote the SAFER club.

Other clubs (affinity clubs) unite people of the same race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation etc, into a welcoming space. For example, BSU [Black Student Union], MSA [Muslim Student Alliance], ADPI [Asian DESI Pacific Islanders Club], Jewish Student Union, and GSA [Gender and Sexuality Alliance].

Anisa Ali stands with posters for ADPI and MSA.
Senya Scott promotes BSU.

There are also clubs that bring together people of similar interests. If you enjoy bird watching, cup stacking, writing, or astronomy, there are clubs dedicated to growing and developing those passions. 

George Ramsey holds up a sign for his new Bird Watching Club.

(From Left) Erin Wilson and Cate Latimer stand with their sign for the writing club.

MUN [Model United Nations], Key Club, and DECA [Distributive Education Clubs of America – specializes in marketing] give you skills that can be used for many years to come. Lucy Carver, a junior at IBW and leader of DECA says, “You learn life skills that can be applied into almost any career field. You learn leadership skills, and have a deeper understanding of business.”

(From Left) Lucy Carver and Max Savage stand with their MUN and DECA signs.
(From Left) Deewa Rahim, Hannah Lo, and Tupalo Wright promote the Key Club.

Youth Ending Slavery and Students Demand Action Clubs are made for student activists who want to take action to the next level. Both these clubs would be great options if you are passionate about activism or want to get involved in the community. 


Mural Club is an example of people who want to make the school environment more inviting and unified through art. They are working to paint large scale murals in the hallways and making the energy of the school represent the people inside. Leaders Ella Jansen and Edith Macdonald say, “We are partnering with leadership and SAFER club, and we are going to paint a mural in the formally known “rape hallway”and try to reclaim the energy of that space.” [Ella Jansen]

(From Left) Edith MacDonald, Logan Erickson, and Ella Janssen promote the Mural Club.

After a year of disconnection and isolation it’s so important to connect with new people and regain our social skills. Clubs are a great way to find new people that you share interests with, and discover new passions to build a community.