Make A Difference This Earth Day
April 14, 2023
As the stunning cherry blossoms begin their fleeting bloom along the waterfront, the impending shift from freezing cold to our typical Portland showers becomes clear. The grass becomes greener, birds begin their morning symphonies, and the dense Oregon wood grows that much thicker. That is until it’s all completely annihilated.
With the approaching threat of an environmental disaster through pollution, climate change, and other damages to the environment, it won’t be long before we hit the point of no return for our planet.
This April 22nd marks Earth Day, a more forgotten holiday compared to most, but one you should start putting on your radar. Earth Day is about coming together to heal our planet and teach awareness about the harm we bring to it.
Celebrating Earth Day doesn’t need to be complicated. All it takes is to become conscious about ways you’ve expanded your carbon footprint and come up with steps to reduce it. A common example would be to use reusable bags when shopping, or walking somewhere instead of driving once in a while. You could also repurpose things you’d normally throw away, such as turning a jug or can into a gardening pot.
If you’re up for the challenge and would like to contribute more this month, you can find tons of events happening right here in Oregon.
One of the most standard Earth Day activities is picking up litter off of the street. Of course, you may do this alone on your own time, you should note that there are many group events that provide almost everything you need to get out there and wrangle with some good ol’ street trash for absolutely free. One such event being the KEEN Earth Day Celebration Cleanup hosted by SOLVE on April 21st from 8:30 am until 12:00 pm. Signing up in advance isn’t required but highly recommended by the organizer. Find out more information here:
If picking up litter off the pavement isn’t your style, you can pull some invasive plants out of the ground and assist with trail maintenance at Day-Fields Bridge Park instead. This event begins on the 22nd at 9:00 am and lasts until 12:00 pm. From 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm, lunch will be provided for all volunteers after all that hard work. To learn more and sign up as a volunteer, you can visit the park’s website here:
I understand that some families may have smaller children unable to help at the former events, which is why this next one is geared towards families who want fun for all ages. From 11:00 pm to 2:00 pm on April 22nd, PSU’s Learning Gardens Laboratory is hosting a festival with crafts, activities, live music, raffles, and more. You’ll also get a chance to look inside the environmental science lab they have on-site. You can find more information in the image below or by visiting LGL’s official Facebook page found here:
Of course, these events aren’t the only ones in Portland, and I recommend researching venues that may align better with your schedule and interests.
Although we should be thinking about our impact on the environment on more than just Earth Day, this April is a good starting point for your personal eco-friendly journey to help heal our planet, fight against climate change, and keep our Oregon green. “I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.” – Edward Everett Hale.