Ida B. Wells Teachers Jumping
May 19, 2023
How high can teachers jump in Ida B. Wells? By testing athleticism, you can get to know your teachers a little more, and be able to answer this bizarre question.

After 60 years, Barry Daigle’s still got it! He jumped higher than some of the folks younger than him. Nice work. The form is impeccable, the bend in the knees, the sincere focus made abundantly clear by the look on his face, all of it forms a genuine masterpiece.

Mark Valentine fueled his rage for his students into this jump and launched himself higher than a teenage boy at a skate park. His knees are better than half his students. Nice work champ. Maybe he jumped off the stool, but we will never know for sure.

Anna Herd started on the floor and sprang up like a frog. The method worked because she got mad hops. As a P.E. teacher, one would think she should be obligated to be able to jump higher than a few of her students. She followed through. Nice work!

Max DeLashmutt, short but mighty! DeLashmutt might not be the tallest teacher in the school, but he is up there in the springy teachers rank. Just because his shoes are dirty, doesn’t make them a hindrance to his jumping abilities.

Sylvia Scott is bringing us back to the cheerleading days. She struck a pose like we have never seen before. The charisma, the energy, the joy this moment radiates. My love for Ms. Scott grows each time I bear witness to such a glorious photo.

Amy Durham is in working mode. When we walked into the room she was typing away at her computer and the form did not stop when she jumped. Durham always gives it her all!

Katie, one of your new security guards, has proven fit for the job. The athleticism it takes to jump that high leads me to believe she could chase a bad guy out of the school with the speed of lightning McQueen.

Malcolm Simonoff jumped twice. The first time was a sight to see, reaching 30 inches the second time was a masterpiece and he beat his own record by jumping 37.5 inches. Originally he personified a starfish. Siminoff’s true spirit animal belongs under the sea. He also jumped the highest. Simonoff takes the cake with this gem.

Scott Montanaro sprang up there like a grasshopper. The point of the toes makes me think he would make an excellent ballerina. I can see it now, him flying through the air with his point shoes and gallant tutu.