Valuing the Vaccine

Kira Posner, Staff Writer

The Covid-19 Pfizer vaccine was approved for ages 12-15 in Oregon on May 10th by the FDA and Governor Kate Brown. Right now many students at Ida B. Wells High School have gotten their first dose. The vaccine’s first dose becomes 70% effective after two weeks. The second dose is supposed to be administered after three weeks or 21 days. 

According to the CDC the vaccine is 100% effective for ages 12-15 once a person is fully vaccinated and has waited two weeks after their second dose. While some people may have concerns about the safety of the vaccine, all of the students randomly selected for interviews have gotten at least their first dose and are planning on getting the second dose. 

These students at Ida B. Wells High School got their vaccines easily. They made appointments and some got it right in their car. People ages 12-15 and up can get vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine in many pharmacies, the convention center, vaccine drive-throughs, and in other cities right outside of Portland. 

All seven students were asked if they’d gotten the vaccine or are planning on getting it, and then their major reasons for getting vaccinated. These are some of the answers that stood out the most. 



Simryn Gupta (14 years old) “I think it’s important to stay safe against Covid and get the second dose as soon as possible,” “It’s to protect myself but also others, and it’s important to be respectful.” 

Amelia Garrahan (15 years old) “I think it’s important for all of us to get vaccinated so we can help fight covid.” Amelia said that she wants to return to normal life. She had an appointment to be vaccinated at the Convention Center and it was easily accessible for her to get her first dose. 

Claire Kelley (14 years old) “People are dying because of this.” She’s excited to get her second dose soon, and was always planning on getting vaccinated. She doesn’t like shots but claims that it was worth it to her. She made an appointment through Nike, was able to do it in the car and had a sore arm and a headache afterwards.

Téa Brahn (14 years old) “So I don’t get sick, and my family doesn’t get sick, and I stop the spread of Covid.” 


Findlay Conlee-Brown (15) “So things can turn to normal and hang out with friends. [I look forward to] going to soccer practices and games more without masks on and just so school can go back to normal as well.”  Findlay also wants to protect his grandma from the spread of covid by getting the vaccine. 

Tupelo Wright-Dykehouse (15) “So I can stay safe and lower my risk.” Tupelo was very excited to get the vaccine, hang out with friends and be out in the world once again. It took her about twenty minutes to get vaccinated and she had to wait fifteen minutes after the shot to make sure there were no immediate problems. 

Grace Carson (15) “I want to keep my friends and family safe and get back to doing more things.” She wants to keep herself and others safe. She had an appointment booked but there were many open slots, so whoever wanted to could come and get it.